Friday, May 14, 2010

Yay 3 more days till Monday!!

Sad to say its kinda a slow day, sent out my product knowledge for the upcoming Fall season for a retailer I shall remain nameless..(cough! Jolt Curfew cough!) I must have looked over this thing like 40 times to see if I had any mistakes or something out of place. Eachtime there was something I had to change or rearrange or move or change or rearrange or move or change or rearrange or move!! Party Girl and Vag Girl have one to do for them as well. Party Girls looks legit and done pretty well. It will provide some stiff comp for office bragging rights when we have our fist annual PK competition. Veg girl outsourced her product knowledge to Dream Works Studios and James Cameron is gonna direct it. She has a hardon for Avatar she wants to be a Na'vi (the blue people) she even signed up for a scam of deal from this website that teaches you the Na'vi language. She prolly joined some facebook group and wants to partake in the conversations and bring something to their meets. Veg girl always has something to prove, did you notice I called her Vag girl earlier? not by accident (vampire/lesbian) jk Veg Platter you are not a vampire!

as aside - this is an inside joke for the office peeps, its 12:12pm and awkward just walked in!!! he cleaned up man, nice suit, new coif! I like him hes good people and means well. Almost looks like Howie Mandell!!

Anyways back to the p.k's G.Dubbs has one to do as well its for a store that rhymes with (cough..Gay..cough) he actually has to present his to a live studio audience. He used a shitload of paper so those people better make use of it. I wish him all the best, I know hes gonna use that public speaking technique and focus on the one hazel eyed guy in the crowd.

Sad day today, one of own is leaving for the motherland and will not be back. I didnt really have that much interaction with her because sales dept and credit dept don't mix well. Just kidding theres no beef that would be weird if there was one. I can't picture what the beef would be about but in my world a heated convo would be like this:

credit "Shut up sales all you do is go on the road for appts, interact with humans face to face on a daily basis. Go and develop relationships with customers and go to their weddings and their grandmas 68th bday parties and such. I get to sit in front of a computer all day and harrass people for money over the phone and by email so kiss my ass!"

sales "umm I just wanted to know if you had a toonie for the office lotto pool."

That was a weak convo lol!! Im running out of ideas....

Back to work, I have some orders to chase!!

But inside this is all I can think about! Who's with me? 3 more days till Monday!!

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