I thought I would switch it up and talk about work related things rather than Veg girl day dreaming about cucumbers because "they can't break your heart!!"...awkward!! or MiMi rolling her eyes at Cptn Obvious or G-Dubbs getting mad at all the Glee references from Party Girl. Our selling season is just around the corner for all of us or maybe not all of us at the office??what??One of my pet peeves is not getting that appointment especially with those accounts that don't wanna show the love or bother to even commit to an appointment. (passing on my stuff is a whole other convo but I will get to that later if I still care)I can't get an appointment
He won't commit to an appointment
She won't return my call
She keeps resheduling because shes ovulating and she is gonna meet up with her husband in 10 mins to make that baby
I'm just lazy my bad boss.
He rescheduled 3 times because his son keeps making it past the bottom two in American Idol
Welcome to the reality of the lowly sales rep. This is what I think bossman would say to you/me when asked why your account ain't coming in and the excuses, comebacks or thoughts I think you/me would go through our heads.
Boss: You haven't established enough interest. - (prolly true I think the oil spill in the gulf of mexico is taking the spotlight at the moment buddy or Justin Beiber perhaps)
Boss: You haven’t given any value. - (huh?? what does he mean??...crickets!!.......crickets??..)
Boss: You haven't created or uncovered a need. - (but i'm not selling the cure to cancer or Twilight fever!)
Boss: You are unable to or have not established any rapport. - (what does 50 cent have to do with our work?....ohhh rapport duh!!!...crickets.....crickets...wtf does rapport mean?)
Boss: The potential account is already doing business with someone she is satisfied with. - (damn! she really opened up to you well here's the thing im only 5'10 hes 6'6!! I'm pretty sure his is bigger down there!! wait isn't she married??..goddammit why cant I be 6'6??)
Boss: You have been talking (telling) instead of asking (selling). - (our families were both Jehovahs in the late 80's we have alot to catch up on)
Boss: The account doesn't see you as important enough to carve out time to meet. - (that fuker!! he said that to you??...hearts beating really fast right now!! furious cause you just went out of your way to buy a pirated dvd copy of P90X for them as a good gesture)
Boss: The account feels “sale” rather than “relationship.” - (eyes starting to get teary eyed..you just realized it aint gonna happen your not even in weakass friend zone just sale zone!!)
Boss: I just got off the phone with the account and they have an unfavorable impression of you, our company and our product do you care to explain?. - (hmmm should I tell the truth or use one of my emergency only excuses??..wait what am I doing I should investigate more before I divulge, remember who, what, where, when, why and how silly!!)
Lets get creative you're not going to let little things like that prevent you from achieving your objectives are you? - (im just lazy!!..haha thats the response I give to my own statement!! just wanted to let you guys know)
Send a plant, flowers or a small gift - You will be amazed how much ice you can melt with a small gift. Flowers can get through a brick wall no matter how thick it is even in sexual relationships! Ok honestly giftbaskets are kinda ghay I take that one back. (gonna stop using the word ghay, I watched Glee lastnight, did you guys see the part where the ghay kids dad ripped the jock dude a new asshole for using the word fag in his house?? I felt bad for using that word all these years I was upset it made me feel like a fag!)
Get close to the person who knows your account best - Find out what your account likes. His/her typical schedule - arrival and departure times. Gather information, stalk them!! Creep their facebook, befriend their mom and go on grocery shopping dates with her. Sleep with their boyfriend!!
Send a provocative email without being provoking...oohh you perverts!! I know what your thinking!!!..send me a practice email!!!! (note if big brother is watching the emails don't read any further) Ask questions or make statements in the letter that make the account think you and lie lie lie lie lie!!!. Don't sell your product, just pique interest tease them like how sideboob has that effect on guys regardless if its from a man or women and sell an appointment you need to earn your check or you might lose your job.
Take a risk, take a chance. Don't be afraid to make a mistake everyone judges everyone anyways, don't be afraid to fail remember Micheal Bolton couldn't come to your bday party but you tried which says alot, don't worry about rejection your doing fine eventhough you're not your moms favorite daughter.
I can't go on anymore, I'm tired of writing with all the time spent on this I could have used it making appointments!
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